Sunday, September 19, 2010

La Mercè

So, another Forrest race for us 2! Cursa de la Mercè in Barcelona, a 10K. Got there, warmed up (part that I always skip...) and set off. Lovely easy start as we were 12,000 running! Good pace (for me) though. First stop at k6, as my friend Xavi was in pain. We walked a little, then again and again. At k8 I set off and left him behind feeling horrible but he insisted. Both my brother and I did great and had a great time. He finished in 51:34 and I finished in 1:07:22 (4 minutes faster than my last 10K!)

Next one coming soon!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

2 more races done!

Oops... it's been a while! So the Forrest team, that's my brother Dani and I have run 2 more races. The first Ripollet, I downgraded to 5K, he run the 10K and it was great. A hilly course but with great company from Xavi Papell. He's injured and had to walk uphill. I waited for him. I know he'd done the same had it been the other way around! Finish time 35:35 but felt like I could have gone forever... not bad after hardly training! Having someone to run with did the trick too!

And yesterday, the Forrest team run again... a 12K here in Girona. He came from Barcelona and we run. I set off first (it was very popular so that could be done!) 20 minutes before everyone else (well... lots were going whenever) that was racing. Dani did great in 1:04. I did 1:27, not bad for me... felt great. Only walked the hills (they were steep, steep!) wich was about 2ks of the race and was happy to see I could run no problem over an hour... loved the feeling!

So, the Forrest team's next Race is next Sunday, la cursa de la Mercè in Barcelona, a 10K. Did it 4 years ago. Pretty flat and very popular. Can't wait!